- Laboratory for the preparation of self-ordered nanoporous alumina membranes following the two-step procedures introduced by Masuda et al. using sulphuric acid, oxalic acid and phosphoric acid as electrolytes.
- Computer-controlled furnaces for infiltration of self-ordered nanoporous alumina that can be operated under vacuum or argon. Complex temperature profiles can be programmed.
- Focused ion beam unit combined with scanning electron microscope Zeiss Auriga; scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 6510.
- Wide angle X-ray diffractometer PANalytical X’Pert Pro MRD optimized for measurements of fiber diagrams, texture analysis, and thin-film analytics equipped with a Eulerian cradle and an Anton Paar hot stage DHS 1100.
- Atomic force microscope NT-MDT NTEGRA.
- Power-compensated differential scanning calorimeter Perkin Elmer 8500 equipped with Intracooler 3 cooling unit.
- USP 4 dissolution tester (ERWEKA)
- Chemical labs, supercritical dryer, microcentrifuge, optical microscope, oxygen plasma etcher, spin coater, sputter coater.